SPRINGFIELD- Group home workers who care for Illinois residents with developmental disabilities are among the lowest paid workers in the nation, and the agencies are facing employee vacancy rates of nearly 25 percent.
This week, the Illinois Senate passed Senate Bill 955 that should help solve these problems. Senate Bill 955, supported by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines), raises the wages of these workers to $15 an hour.
“Increasing wages of workers that care for the most vulnerable citizens with disabilities is a win for everyone,” Murphy said. “Workers receive a living wage. Employers can attract qualified employees to fill vacancies and patients receive better care.”
Currently, the starting wage for workers is only $9.30 per hour, leading to high turnover rates and making it difficult to attract qualified applicants.
“These workers cook, clean and care for the residents of the group homes. They deserve a living wage to provide for their own families,” Murphy said.
The legislation passed the Senate with a bipartisan vote of 36-20 and will now head to the Illinois House for consideration.
SPRINGFIELD- This week, the Illinois Senate failed to garner bipartisan support for the remaining proposals in the bipartisan Grand Bargain compromise package they have been negotiating for weeks. State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) issued the statement below following the votes.
“For months, Republican Senators have asked for additional time to continue working on non-budget items. For months, universities have slashed their budgets and services for our most vulnerable citizens have been decimated while we continued to negotiate.
“There are less than three weeks left. Even the members of the governor’s own party didn’t support the reforms he has been demanding.
“It’s past time for Governor Rauner to drop his political agenda his own party can’t even support and get to work on a budget that protects Illinois families.”
SPRINGFIELD- The Illinois Senate voted to advance House Bill 40 today to protect women’s health care choices in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court. State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines), a co-sponsor of the legsialtion, released the statement below following the vote.
“Women’s ability to make their own healthcare decisions is under attack with President Trump in the White House,” Murphy said. “I’m proud to support this proposal to protect the rights of women across Illinois.”
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