SPRINGFIELD – To address the ongoing stalemate at the Niles-Maine District Library, State Senator Laura Murphy is leading the charge to end the pandering that has left a trustee board seat vacant for over a year.
“The failure of the board to make an appointment, then the subsequent actions of some to challenge the State Librarian’s appointment, is putting the operations of the library at a standstill,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “It’s time for the board to put differences aside and prioritize the needs of the community.”
For the past 15 months the Niles-Maine District Library board has been at a stalemate in their efforts to fill a vacated seat. In August 2021, a former library board member resigned, the board was unable to agree on a replacement trustee, leaving the board in a perpetual 3-3 tie. Murphy led legislation in the spring to bring the stalemate to an end, and allow the Secretary of State—acting under the role of State Librarian—to appoint an individual to the vacancy.
However, the appointee was blocked from entering the position by a temporary restraining order, which was later made permanent, continuing the 3-3 tie.
House Bill 4073 – passed by Murphy Wednesday – clarifies the law she passed in the spring and requires the State Librarian to fill vacancies created prior to its enactment – which was May 27, 2022 – as well as vacancies created after. Under the measure, if a library trustee board fails to fill a vacancy within 90 days, the State Librarian is tasked to do so in the following 60 days.
“With this new clarification on legislative intent, it is my hope that there will be no future stalemates of this magnitude,” Murphy said. “Our libraries are one of our most precious resources, they make our communities stronger.”
HB 4073 passed the Senate on Wednesday. It now goes to the House for further consideration.
DES PLAINES – Residents of Maine Township have the opportunity to learn how to appeal their property taxes at an upcoming Tax Appeal Seminar sponsored by State Senator Laura Murphy.
Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi will lead the seminar which will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 6 p.m. at the Niles Senior Center Room 217, located at 999 Civic Center Dr. in Niles.
“Property taxes can be a source of stress for many, but residents don’t need to handle the appeals process alone,” said Murphy (D—Des Plaines). “This event will ensure residents of Maine Township have access to the resources they need to address their property tax concerns.”
Analysts will be available to answer questions after a brief presentation. Interested residents will need to bring either their second installment property tax bill or property tax index number.
For more information about filing an appeal, including webinars and online appeal options, visit CookCountyBoardOfReview.com/Cabonargi.
DES PLAINES – State Senator Laura Murphy encourages residents to show their appreciation to emergency personnel on First Responders Day, which is this Friday, Oct. 28.
“Our first responders put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “This day is dedicated to celebrate the courage and strength of Illinois’ remarkable heroes.”
First Responders Day is a day to thank 911 dispatchers, firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians and paramedics for their commitment to Illinois public safety. Murphy encourages residents to extend gratitude to first responders year-round for their dedication and remember those lost in the line of duty.
“I want to extend my gratitude to our first responders who deserve the utmost respect and recognition for the job they do,” Murphy said. “Our first responders deserve our thanks every day of the year for their bravery.”
Murphy encourages residents to recognize the contributions of first responders in their communities with ceremonies and activities.
DES PLAINES – State Senator Laura Murphy encourages high school-aged women to apply to participate in the Illinois Council on Women and Girls, where they will gain the opportunity to learn the legislative process firsthand.
“It is more important than ever to have women raise their voices in legislative discussions, and this council is an incredible opportunity for young women who are interested in making a positive change in their communities,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “Participating in the council will give young women the chance to have a real impact in their communities, and learn to lift their voices and stand for not only their own rights, but for the rights of all women in Illinois.”
The selected young women will serve a one-year term, during which they will participate in bi-weekly meetings to plan events and projects. Starting in December 2022, there will be quarterly meetings with different Illinois committees.
The Illinois Council on Women and Girls seeks to bring the voices of young women into important policy conversations. Participants have the opportunity to provide policy recommendations on legislation that impacts the lives of women and girls in Illinois, critical topics such as health care, academic and economic opportunities, and gender-based violence.
Applications are open for young women grades 9 through 12 and are due no later than Oct. 23. For more information and to apply click here.
“This is also a chance for legislators to learn from the youth of the state, often they have insights that prove vital to creating a better future,” Murphy said. “I’m grateful to the Illinois Council on Women and Girls for providing this opportunity for young women to work towards creating a better future for Illinois.”
Senator Murphy’s office is available to answer questions, please contact 847-718-1110 or through her website at senatorlauramurphy.com/contact-us.
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