SPRINGFIELD – Earlier this year, State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) passed a measure through the Illinois Senate that will bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the state budgeting process. Her proposal, Senate Bill 2585, was signed into law by the governor on Friday.
It will require the governor’s budget office to annually produce a report containing a four-year budget forecast that also lays out detailed solutions to solve any predicted budgetary shortfalls. The report also must be posted online so it is available to the general public.
Read more: Murphy’s proposal to increase budget transparency signed into law
ROLLING MEADOWS – WINGS, a nonprofit organization based in the Northwest Suburbs with history dating to 1985, is one of the largest domestic violence service and housing providers in the State of Illinois.
Acknowledging the vital work performed by WINGS, AT&T recently honored the organization with the “AT&T Investing in Illinois Award.”
State Senator Laura Murphy (D – Des Plaines) nominated the organization for consideration for the award.
“WINGS provides invaluable services to Illinois women and families during times of crisis,” Murphy said. “I am elated AT&T has honored the important work performed by WINGS every day.”
Read more: Local nonprofit dedicated to ending domestic violence receives AT&T award
State Senator Laura Murphy joined members of the Citizens Utility Board at the Schaumburg Barn Senior Center to speak with senior citizens about little-known ways they can save on utility bills.
"Utilities are a necessary cost for every household. It's important that folks on a fixed income realize all the potential ways to save costs."
The July 20 event gathered about 50 seniors for an informational presentation on how to read charges on utility bills, special pricing plans that can help homeowners save money, and energy efficiency incentives. The Citizens Utility Board regularly conducts such informational events with the aim of demystifying utility bills and alternative pricing plans for customers.
SPRINGFIELD – Many businesses offer discounts to veterans to thank them for their service to our country. Unfortunately, occasionally non-veterans will pose as military members to try to take advantage of these discounts.
To cut down on people falsely impersonating veterans, State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) passed legislation through the Illinois Senate earlier this year to make it a petty offense to falsely impersonate a veteran. The proposal was Senator Murphy’s first bill as a State Senator and was signed into law by Governor Rauner today.
Read more: Murphy’s bill to protect veterans signed into law
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