SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) voted to create automatic voter registration in Illinois last week. The legislation, Senate Bill 250, passed the Senate with a bipartisan majority of 42-16.
Under the proposal, Illinois citizens would be automatically registered to vote when they choose to renew their driver’s license or state ID. They can still choose to opt out of registering to vote if they wish.
“Encouraging more people to get involved in the democratic process can only be beneficial to our state,” Murphy said. “The significant savings to taxpayers and additional measures to prevent election fraud are added benefits.”
In other states that have enacted similar proposals, the cost of processing an application to register to vote has dropped from 83 cents to almost 3 cents.
The legislation also included penalties for submitting false voter registration data, along with increasing the number of cross-checks the State Board of Elections must annually conduct between the statewide voter database and the National Change of Address Database from two to six.
The proposal will now head to the Illinois House.
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) today voted to oppose legislation that would allow for massive gaming expansion, but does not hold internet gaming organizations to the same regulations as other gaming in Illinois.
“If gaming is expanded in Illinois it needs to be a comprehensive plan with everyone held to the same standards. No special deals should be given to online gaming – it is still gambling,” Murphy said.
Murphy also cited concerns that the funds allocated to the city of Des Plaines from Three Rivers Casino would be adversely affected by the gaming expansion. Des Plaines is already at a disadvantage because Rivers Casino is the only casino in the state with a revenue sharing agreement, which requires funds that would normally be given to the local community to be shared with other municipalities around the state.
“If we are going to authorize this kind of gaming expansion, we need to renegotiate the Rivers Casino deal so it is in line with the other casino revenue sharing deals granted by the state,” Murphy said.
The legislation is still pending in the Senate.
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) released the statement below following the Illinois Senate unanimously passing Senate Bill 2038 56-0, which will fund services for those with autism, epilepsy and other developmental disabilities.
“This is another step toward a bipartisan budget solution. It is not perfect, but it does provide much-needed relief to the children and families who rely on social services to care for their loved ones. I look forward to continuing to work across the aisle to find solutions for the problems facing Illinois families.”
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) opposed a proposal in the Illinois Senate yesterday that would reallocate funding from suburban schools to other school districts.
“Everyone realizes the education funding formula is broken, but this proposal cuts suburban school districts huge amounts and I could not support it,” Murphy said.
Murphy supports property tax relief as part of any final proposal.
“We must focus on a reform package that includes property tax relief for homeowners, while requiring businesses pay their fair share so we can invest in schools, roads and other services for Illinois.”
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